TEKSPIKE is committed to maintain the highest quality standards - of people, of processes, of infrastructure. That reflects in our endeavor to ensure the highest quality in each aspect of our deliverables to each and every customer engagement of ours.
The quality management system of TEKSPIKE conforms to existing quality standards and is flexible enough to incorporate new standards that meet client requirements. "FQMS" addresses the eight core quality management principles defined in International standards such as Customer Focus, Leadership, Involvement of People, Process Approach, System Approach To Management, Continual Improvement, Factual Approach To Decision Making and Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationships. These principles form the process framework for every client engagement, ensuring customer centricity as its core.
The quality control and quality assurance practices and procedures are implemented throughout project life cycle phases. The processes defined at TEKSPIKE ensure that every delivery to the clients passes through stringent quality measures.
» The QMS at TEKSPIKE ensures
» Very minimal defects in the deliverables
» Minimized cost over-run (in terms of effort)
» Timeliness of deliveries
» Product quality that surpasses the expectations
» Improved process compliance
The Objective of FQMS
Every day at TEKSPIKE , we are committed to continuously exceeding expectations of the client by delighting with the quality of service. Subscribe to the International Quality Management philosophy and adhere to a quality management system in line with International Standards.